Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


“Bless the LORD, O my soul” Psalm 103

“Bless the LORD, O my soul” Psalm 103


1. The Psalms teach many things

a) About Problems in life

b) About Personal Life

c) About Prayer

d) About Praise

2. Difficulties encountered

a) Prayer

i) We don’t pray as much

ii) Problems in life affect us adversely

b) Personal Life

i) Many sins

ii) They need to be dealt with

3. Blessing of the Lord

a) This can be learned

c) This can be cultivated



(Psalm 103)

1. Remember God’s blessings

a) Forgiveness of sins

b) Healing of diseases

c) Redemption from destruction

d) Crowning blessing of tender mercies and loving kindness

e) Good things of life so that youth is renewed

2. Reflect on the meaning of all these blessings

a) The blessings show us what God is like

i) He is merciful

ii) He is gracious

iii) He is slow to anger

iv) He is abounding in mercy

v) He does not keep His anger

vi) He has not dealt with us according to our sins



1. To bless the LORD

a) From the depths of our soul

b) With every part of our being Psalm 103:1-2

2. To call on others to bless the Lord’s name

a) Angels

b) All who serve Him

c) All His works Psalm 103:20-22



1. To learn how to bless the Lord’s name

2. To go deeper in our understanding

3. To practise blessing His name always